Thursday, January 15, 2015

It's Been Four Years

I cannot believe I've been in Denver for four years.  January 6th was my 4th anniversary and it went unnoticed.  I kept receiving messages from LinkedIn congratulating me and I realized it was my work anniversary.  So caught up in the fight for justice, the life of the church, school, family... I didn't pause to reflect and thank G-d for a most amazing journey in my life thus far.

When I received the call from LeSean in 2010, he said he put my name in for a full-time youth and young adult minister in Denver.  I said, in so many words, are you kidding me? I am not going to Denver! I am going back to NY! (I was in Atlanta at the time serving as a resident Chaplain at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta.) Clearly G-d had other plans and I was compelled to reach out to Rev. Dr. Timothy E. Tyler to introduce myself.  We had an informal conversation via phone and I was invited to come to teach and preach during Y.E.S. weekend.  I stepped out on faith and accepted.  I was offered the job from the pulpit after a weekend of teaching and preaching.  And the rest is history.

Denver offered me a lifestyle that I had not experienced.

Shorter offered me a church life like none other.

Rev. Dr. Timothy E. Tyler took a chance with me and afforded me an opportunity to grow and learn in ways I would've never imagined.

I found my voice in Denver.

I gained some amazing friends and lost the same.

I admitted publicly, for the first time, of my status as a DV survivor.

I preached in South Africa y'all with Rev. Dr. Jeremiah Wright in the congregation!

I experienced relationships with youth and young adults I will never forget.

I found peace.

I learned about myself in ways I may not have been able to in other circumstances.

I discovered my love for Social Justice.

I traveled extensively.

I am a woman, in a patriarchal environment, in a leading role in one of the leading churches in African Methodism.

I do what I love ~ strategic planning, project management, spiritual development, youth and young adult ministry including events, worship planning, Bible study and preaching.

Wow! I flew to St. Louis to my auntie Noella's church to be ordained as a Deacon. Who does that? Jesus and Me!

Then I was ordained in LA as an elder two years later ~ there was some drama behind this but as in all relationships there are ups and downs and the relationships that were meant to be will survive the strife ~ I am grateful those persons are still in my life and extremely supportive.  (Yes, this was a hard lesson to learn.)

I cry a lot ~ I pray a lot ~ I hurt a lot ~ I celebrate a lot ~ I love a lot ~ I serve a lot...

Four years of training, development, friendship, risks, trial, error, hard work, peace in the midst of, family, sisterhood, fear, faith, learning, did I say hard work/long hours/hard work, and love!

Thank you my Pastor/Boss/Friend for taking a chance on this 41 year old recent seminary graduate whom you didn't know and gave an opportunity of a lifetime to serve as the 1st full-time youth and young adult minister at Shorter Community African Methodist Episcopal Church and now serving as the Executive Minister.  You have put amazing trust and faith in me and I am grateful.

Thank you Shorter Community AME Church family for embracing me, encouraging me, supporting me, and loving me and my family.

To the young and young adult ~ I cannot name names because I can't possibly list everyone who has had a major impact on my life.  You give me life! You're a huge reason why I do what I do! You are amazing and the opportunity to share in your world is a blessing to my soul.  You have created a space for me to serve, teach, grow, and learn.

To Erik and Kyesha ~ I love you for letting your mom follow her dreams! You sacrificed a lot for me to serve G-d and G-d's people and I am grateful!

Thank you G-d for making a way out of no way ~ for healing me ~ for providing for me ~ for creating a space to grow closer to You ~ for loving me so!

Just grateful,


2011 ~ Minister Tawana Davis preaching or the first time at Shorter Community AME Church ~ 9/2010

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