Saturday, August 3, 2013

For My Diva

At 16, no love for self
Looking for love in all the wrong places
Pregnant with a child when only a child
Loved unconditionally by my parents, sisters, brothers... anyway
Ostracized by others including my religion, my village, my world
Then on August 3rd my life changed
I gave birth to Daralyne Kyesha Davis
An "E" on the end of her name 
Phonetically incorrect but the reason is Exceptional
She saved my life!
She loved me unconditionally!
She gave me a reason to want more; to do better!
Because she is, I Am! 
And today, I honor her with tears in my eyes because we are apart for the first time in her 27 years on earth
27 years of watching her grow, experience life, stumble, fall, get back up again, pressing on...
27 years of unconditional love, unspeakable joy, and a never-ending bond
A gift from G-d: turning my mess into a miracle ~ my premature decision into Divinity 
The gift that keeps on giving...
And here we are 27 years later ~ St. John's graduate, Teach for America Scholar, amazing sister, wife, mother, and 8th grade teacher
A woman of G-d who uses her brilliant gifts to change the world one person at a time
My Diva: Divinely Inspired Victoriously Anointed gift from G-d
DIVA, I honor you today! 
I thank you for saving me! 
I love you for loving me even when...
Happy born day to my daughter in whom I am well pleased!
Much love my militant, risk-taking, society-shaking, funny, brilliant, G-d-loving, G-d-fearing daughter,