Saturday, October 29, 2011

Stop With the Tissue Already!

There is nothing sacred about the tissue! What is sacred? Your presence, active listening, empathy, love, support, and prayers.

I attended a funeral and as i was sitting there the "funeral folk" were walking around with tissue boxes and everytime someone looked as if they were about to cry they came running with the box. Not only did they come with the box but they would shove it in the persons face or take some out and place it in their hands ~ what a distraction!

Can I have my moment please? Can I just snot and cry the ugly cry for a moment? Can I just go through this time of allowing my tears to be poured out as a libation to G-d? Don't worry I have hand sanitizer in my bag and a bathroom right down the hall to wash my hands and face ~ that's if you are concerned about germs.

I found that the tissue is more about the person giving the tissue than it is for the person who is in distress. It's not about you! It is about G-d strength when one is weak. It is about G-d restoring what the grieving/hurting/upset person has lost. It is about going through the natural process of healing by way of the feelings G-d gave us!

So please, stop with the tissue already!

Never hopeless ~ forever searching