I am
Tawana Davis and I am a Survivor!
31 Days of
Reflective Healing ~ My Testimony ~ Moving from Victim to Survivor
October 1st
October is Domestic Violence
Awareness Month ~ every day I will share a personal story to continue to put a
face to domestic violence and to bring awareness to the silent suffering and/or
killer (or at least I will do my best.)
It takes courage to be on FB.
Trusting the privacy settings, blocking "him" every time he creates a
new page to send a message or to "friend me," blocking our mutual
friends, making sure my privacy settings are as private as possible...It took
courage to post this picture ~ taking away power and control from
him and acknowledging the power I have: the power to heal, strengthen, and
love... self and others... all in Christ Jesus.
Thank you G-d for strength and
courage. Thank you for the trust I put in you and not in (hu)man. Thank you for
family, friends, and FB friends that rally around me and give me love and
strength. This month will be a long, cathartic, and emotional journey; yet, it
is one I am willing to take for the sake of empowering/enlightening/saving a
October 2nd
Domestic Violence Awareness Month:
"Trust G-d not the process ~ Trust G-d to work through the process" ~
What a powerful lesson learned. I finally had enough courage to press charges
and get an order of protection. I was in Atlanta at the time (yes, he followed
me to ATL) ~ After submitting a thousand call logs and threatening VMs he was
arrested. While in court, I was at one table and he was at the other. The judge
clearly said do not talk to each other talk to me. And what does he do, he
continues to talk to me. The judge says nothing and speaks to me as if I am the
offender/perpetration/abuser ~ the two female court clerks diminish my plight
by defending him ~ the court officers further victimized me... I was crushed
and began to regret trusting the system. My mother in Ministry Rev. Carolyn Habersham traveled
with me every step of the way and kept reminding me to trust G-d... He was
sentenced to one year in prison with 5-years probation.
system further victimized me but G-d vindicated me, deemed me victorious and
showed G-dself mighty in the midst of my plight!8 We are pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed. We are perplexed, but not driven to despair. 9 We are hunted down, but never abandoned by God. We get knocked down, but we are not destroyed. (II Corinthians 4:8-9)
#afacetodomesticviolence #truestory #domesticviolenceawarenessmonth
Domestic Violence Awareness Month: Please know, I had to inform my children of what I was doing to put #afacetodomesticviolence ~ My amazingly supportive daughter said: "Thanks for the heads up. It feels a little uncomfortable reading the words and taking my mind back to that place; but it's not my story to tell. I trust that your face to DV would bless someone to not be ashamed to tell their story and speak out against DV and say 'no more' in their Oliva Benson voice" ~ I responded "It is your story to tell ~ you were greatly impacted ~ I just love you for your support then and now!" (and then I said really??? Oliva Benson ~ LOL)
Domestic Violence impacts the victim/abused/offended as well as children, family, friends, and colleagues... #domesticviolenceawarenessmonth#speakup #survivors #welovelawandorderSVU #thanksOliviaBenson#truestory
Post from Big T
generation has an indoctrination to Domestic Violence. I clearly remember my
experience watching blacksploitation movies of the 70s. For a lot they are
fondly remembered for me not so much.Watching women routinely degraded to their sexual prowess as their only redeeming value. Pretty face small in the waste. T&A arm pieces.
I was never comfortable when the women would get pimped slapped around and called "my B#*%h or my Hoe". The ladies reply "yes daddy"in the movie and the boys around me would laugh.
These examples were never part of my reality. My father honored my mom in every way (his queen). Never called her out of her name never a hand raised to her. I was lucky, some of my friends didn't have my experience and those blacksploitation movie images reinforced a behavior that was in their homes.
This current generation has music that pumps straight into their brains daily, hourly, by the minute and seconds. Messaging domination, ownership, sexual exploits, violence. 24 hour uncensored cable programing. Porn at their finger tips dehumanizing behavior shaping their undeveloped brains. Through this exposure both victims and perpetrators can be groomed.
"Lord please have your healing hands on the women, girls, boys and men who've been victimized by people who claim they love them. Touch them Lord ease their pain in their time of need, let them recognize the help you are sending them, and in that they recognize by your power they are healed and transformed".
If you want DV to stop you must start with protecting the women and nurturing the children. Music is not just music and movies are not just movies to undeveloped brains. They are training tools to Domestic Violence Sexual predatory behavior and destruction.
No one deserves to be beat on, terrorized and traumatized. You were born to be free, live free, die free. Don't stay, find the strength to get away, take action trust God.
I am not saying it is easy to leave. I'm saying there is help out here. When you're ready.
To all the DV Survivors out there and there are many of you, God Bless you, keep reclaiming YOU, and creating the peace and world you want. Tawana PhDbound Davis, Sis Imani S Latif, Dr Carroll Watkins Ali, Towanna Henderson,Penny DeNoble IssueofBlood, Shontel Lewis, Dr Nita Mosby Henry, Taitianna Smith Tina White, Rachel Romano Hughes
October 3rd
Domestic Violence Awareness Month:
Repost ~ "We define domestic violence as a pattern of abusive behavior in
any relationship that is used by one partner to gain or maintain power and
control over another intimate partner. Domestic violence can be physical,
sexual, emotional, economic, or psychological actions or threats of actions
that influence another person. This includes any behaviors that intimidate,
manipulate, humiliate, isolate, frighten, terrorize, coerce,
threaten, blame, hurt, injure, or wound someone."
Personal reflection:
I thought taking me to work and picking me up everyday was a loving gesture
I thought calling me several times a day was caring
I thought wanting to spend time with me was intimate...
Until it became obsessive, controlling, possessive, isolating, intimidating, insecure, unreasonable, aggressive, demanding...and downright abusive (physically, verbally, sexually and spiritually)
It was all about power and control that had me and my family living in fear.
#domesticviolenceawareness #afacetodomesticviolence#noteasytotalkabout #soimagethesilencewhensomeoneisstillinit
Personal reflection:
I thought taking me to work and picking me up everyday was a loving gesture
I thought calling me several times a day was caring
I thought wanting to spend time with me was intimate...
Until it became obsessive, controlling, possessive, isolating, intimidating, insecure, unreasonable, aggressive, demanding...and downright abusive (physically, verbally, sexually and spiritually)
It was all about power and control that had me and my family living in fear.
#domesticviolenceawareness #afacetodomesticviolence#noteasytotalkabout #soimagethesilencewhensomeoneisstillinit
October 4th
Violence Awareness Month: *Disclaimer ~ In a previous post I stated "Trust
G-d not the process ~ Trust G-d to work through the process" ~ Please
note, I was referring to the unjust justice system and how this unjust system
treats women, in particular, DV victims. The amazing and incomparable Rev.
Dr. Teresa Fry Brown preached
a sermon "Trust the Process." ~ The process: the refining process,
the work, the journey, the valley experience...I am grateful for what I have been through because I am on the other side of through. I have learned regrets only remain regrets if we don't learn from them and experience the strength and wisdom it produces. I am grateful for the process; even more, I am grateful for G-d in the process. When I thought I was going to die ~ G-d was in the process! When the system let me down ~ G-d was in the process! When I had to move abruptly ~ G-d was in the process!
Today I offer you to trust G-d, trust the process of life, trust G-d in the process. Please know its through the process you will come out like a diamond in the rough.
#domesticviolenceawareness #afacetodomesticviolence #beencouraged
October 5th
Violence Awareness Month: Moving from victim to survivor is difficult.. On
average, it takes a victim seven times to leave before staying away for good.
Exiting the relationship is most unsafe time for a victim. As the abuser senses
that they’re losing power, they will often act in dangerous ways to regain
control over their victim.And once you have safely become a survivor, one must learn to deal with the physical, mental, social, spiritual residual memories:
When I see the scar on my hand
When I walk down the stairs (I envision him waiting in the cut like he used to)
When I see someone with his body type
When a strange number calls my phone
When I see a 678 number
When I am going home alone I continue to remain alert and watch my surroundings
I don't answer blocked calls
The list could go on and on...
I am a survivor by the grace of G-d ~ The Lord said forget the former things for I am about to do a new thing... G-d created us as supreme beings therefore it is difficult to totally erase things from ones memory. I believe the scripture is encouraging us not to get caught up in the past, good or bad, but to use our experiences to propel us forward ~ don't get stuck on the good and think more highly of oneself and don't get stuck on the bad and neglect to see the good work G-d has begun in you and will complete!
My memories bring tears to my eyes at times yet I can't help but smile and give G-d praise because I am still here! I am still standing! And I am healed in Jesus name!
#domesticviolenceawarenessmonth #afacetodomesticviolence#beencouraged #besafe
October 6th
Violence Awareness Month: Monday is one of my study days. My first paper is a
Reflective Leadership Essay which requires me to be contemplative about life
events and at some point tie it in with leadership. Needless to say, being a victim
of DV is a large part of my reflective essay.It wasn't until I was sitting in class at ITC (seminary) when I realized I was a victim of DV. I knew I was going through arduous times with my husband but I never labeled it as DV. This was extremely important! It was then and only then I attended local DV classes every Wednesday for a year: learning of the cycle, safety plans, the unjust justice system, isolation, power, control, tactics... and the fact that I was not alone.
Even after all of this exposure, I still tried to deal with this on my own ~ thinking he would change or better yet, I could change him and almost lost my life because of it.
I had to learn that the Bible is not a belt used to beat you
I had to learn that forgiveness comes in many different forms including never having to tell the person you forgive them especially when they think there is nothing to be forgiven
I had to learn to love myself AND to love myself more than him
I had to learn to replace fear with faith and action.
I did not do this alone! I thank G-d for my ITC family including Rev. Lavonia Kess McIntyre, Rev. Dr. Carolyn McCrary, Rev. Dr. Willie Goodman, Rev. Dr.Lisa M. Allen-McLaurin, Rev. Carolyn Habersham and of course my family and friends who never left my side, supported and loved me through it all.
To G-d be the glory!
#domesticviolenceawareness #afacetodomesticviolence#thisisajourneynottobetraveledalone #youdonthavetodothisbyyourself#stillstanding #healing
October 7th
Domestic Violence Awareness ~ #afacetodomesticviolence ~ I
was dating this guy who had an accident so we went to North General Hospital in
Harlem where my dad was on the Board. The ER doctor was a beautiful 30
something year old. She took good care of my friend, stitched him up... We
celebrated her, laughed together, and were grateful to have a young sister of
color as an ER doc! Days later she was headline news ~ her and her 4-year old
were killed by her husband in a murder suicide ~ the story mentioned a history
of abuse, 911 calls, and police reports. Now she and her son were dead at the
hands of her abuser ~ DV does not discriminate ~ it doesn't have a class or
color or status! It impacts and affects women just like you...#domesticviolenceawareness #letstalkaboutit
October 8th
Violence Awareness: I received an email of this testimony from someone
extremely near and dear to me ~ another face:Pieces of Me
Moved by my friend’s courageous act to share her story in observance of Domestic Violence Awareness Month, I felt compelled as well to share my story of masking. Society has made great strides of being inclusive of all but yet the church still seems to be dragging its feet.
I entered into my first same-gender loving relationship at the age 25. I never knew what romantic love was until I loved her. Daily I witnessed her praising and thanking G-d for me because I was comprised of all she could ask for in a mate. We were dating only eight months before the abuse started. First there was emotional abuse that ultimately led to physical. After the first push into the wall I figured we could move pass that and continue to pursue our unconditional love for one another. I had no idea that was not the end but yet the beginning of what we be continuous months of fighting. I often thought to myself, “I’m a Senior Pastor of two congregations, I don’t fight! I preach Sunday after Sunday about G-d’s forgiving love.” My friends noticed marks in different places on me but I knew not to mention that I was being beaten by my lover at home.
I can still recall that one night before a seminary luncheon. People perceived me as confident and powerful so I dared not let anyone see the marks in my face or neck. I woke up hours before the luncheon to take time to perfect my make-up so that no one would see my scars. You best believe that when I stepped foot out my door that day my make-up was so flawlessly done that one would believe I was going to some sort of Ebony/Essence photo shoot. Once at the luncheon, so many friends and colleagues complimented me on how gorgeous I looked and that’s really all I wanted to hear. I can’t put into words how empty I felt inside. I wanted a safe space/community to say that I was suffering at my lover’s hand at home but yet pride allowed me to suffer in silence. There were a number of times I considered taking my own life but I didn't have the energy to do so. It was hard for me to actually live in reality. I couldn't believe that the women I loved so could cause me such a pain.
I've heard several sermons about Lot’s wife and how her disobedience caused her to turn into a pillar of salt. For me, she was a stranger in her own home so looking back was her way of changing her status. I could relate to being a stranger in my own home because daily my lover treated me like one of her criminals. She was a fine officer of the law, to protect and serve was what she swore to do the day she graduated from the police academy. If only that mission was prevalent in our home. I recall preaching a sermon titled “Something in Me That Won’t Let Me Die.” It was through that sermon that I gained strength to break my silence. I didn't go sounding a bull horn but G-d strategically placed me where I needed to be in order to share with those who were suffering in silence as well.
It’s been four years since I ended the relationship. I’m healed by the grace of G-d but daily I’m reminded when I see the scars that are ever so visible. Domestic Violence is real in both heterosexual and homosexual relationships. I challenge each of you to be a “safe-sacred space’’ for someone to break their silence.
#afacetodomesticviolence #letstalkaboutit #faithoverfear #besafe#beencouraged #domesticviolenceawarenessmonth #breakthesilence
Thank you so much for your courage to share
October 9th
Domestic Violence Awareness
Month: #afacetodomesticviolence ~
this has been a tough journey of retrospection and introspection and it's only
day 9 ~ so I will pause, breathe, and continue to pray ~ especially for those
who sent emails, text, and made calls to say thank you, what shall I do, and I
have a story too... There are many faces to DV and it is my prayer we talk
about it, stop the judgment, and heal... #thatsall #Icantoday#domesticviolenceawareness
October 10th
Domestic Violence Awareness: yep, I
do realize it may be hard for some to read such personal stories ~ yes, I
realize that, for the sake of my loved ones, I will not tell it all ~ yet, I
realize there are people out there suffering in silence, wondering if this is
going to be their last day on this earth or what lie they will tell to cover up
the abuse ~ as a matter of fact I realize there are some abusers a who quickly
scroll past my posts... So for the survivor, for the process of healing, for
the victim, shame, fear, hurt, and pain.... A Face to Domestic Violence will continue... #domesticviolenceawareness#afacetodomesticviolence #letstalkaboutit #prayingfortheperpertrator #pressingmywaythrough
October 11th
Violence Awareness: SHAME ~ To cover literally or figuratively. It is a state
of mind/being which may result in embarrassment, disgrace, and/or humiliation.
Internalized shame is when you become the aforementioned: I am a disgrace ~ I
am shame ~ I am embarrassed... Domestic Violence victims are stuck in this
toxic web of internalized shame resulting from life experiences coupled with
their abusive situation. Some are so stuck they don't realize the situation
they are in is toxic, unhealthy, and dangerous. Mental, physical, emotional,
financial, spiritual forms of abuse (overt or covert) are toxic.Talking about DV helps to reduce (and prayerfully obliterate) the shame, enlighten the victim, and provide the tools needed for deliverance in one way, shape, and/or form. Let us uncover DV and expose it for what it really is ~ too many of us of suffering in silence; at home, work, church... Let's talk about it!
#afacetodomesticviolence #letstalkaboutit #nolongerashamed#andIwontletyouputmetoshame
October 12th
Domestic Violence Awareness: while
living on the campus of ITC in Atlanta, GA my abuser not only found his was to
Atlanta but moved into an apartment right up the street. I couldn't travel
alone. I couldn't drive my car. We had to give his picture to all the
professors and security guards (and please know he tried several times to get
on campus.) every morning and every night I would read, recite, state, and
affirm the following two scriptures: Psalm 34 & Psalm 91 ~ I would lay
prostrate on the floor with tears in my eyes each time for the fear engulfed me
~ I had to read and re-read these scriptures to help me get to a place were I
could bless The Lord at all times or fear The Lord and not my abuser... It was
G-d's word that saved me and protected me, my family and friends! It was the
word of G-d that helped me to focus on G-d and not my situation! It was the
word that gave me strength to press forward and receive the healing and
deliverance that was before me! Thank you G-d for your word that will never
lose its power! #afacetodomesticviolence#domesticviolenceawareness #safeinHisarms
October 13th
Domestic Violence Awareness: Why I do
what I do... "There is a certain hesitation about dwelling on events of
the past. On the one hand, it creates an atmosphere of determinism which
removes the volitional possibilities of people to alter their condition. It
tends to excuse the perpetuation of past events which could be altered simply
by initiative. It preoccupies people unnecessarily and purposelessly with old
hurt, tending old wounds. It's is an emotional tirade that ultimately provides
no constructive solutions for the present. But those who deny the lessons of
the past are doomed to repeat them. Those who fail to recognize that the past
is a shaper of the present, and the hand of yesterday continues to write on the
slate of today, leave themselves vulnerable by not realizing the impact of
influences which do serve to shape their lives" Naim Akbar #afacetodomesticviolence#learnedlifelessons #sharingwithotherssowemayallbesafeandfree#domesticviolenceawarnessmonth
October 14th
Domestic Violence Awareness: It is
not easy being a survivor! I had the opportunity to preach for our Annual
Celebrate Pink Sunday. Celebrating Pink is about celebrating survivors. I
realized, no matter the life threatening circumstance you survived,
survivorship is an ongoing process and work-in-progress ~ The reminders, the
memories, the social stigma, the shame, the fear... the faith! Whether you are
a breast cancer survivor or a domestic violence survivor, I pause to honor your
strength and courage as you live our loud the art of survivorship. Please keep
sharing your story... you just never know who you may bless and
encourage! #itsnoteasybeingpink#domesticviolenceawarenessmonth #afacetodomesticviolence#letstalkaboutit
October 15th
Domestic Violence Awareness: The
American Psychiatric Association says that women remain in abusive
relationships for many reasons: lack of finances, poor self-esteem, children
and even religious and cultural values. In some cases some felt they had done
something wrong and deserved it.#whyIstayed
I realized that staying was not an
option; I knew I had to escape! Like a prisoner of war, I devised a strategic
plan that took months to execute... I waited for the right moment. When that moment came I bounced. The day he knew that
he had no choice but to leave quietly, I was free at last -- or at least that's
what I thought. I had to leave to save my life! I had to leave because I
finally learned to love myself! #WhyILeft
I share my story to safe a life. I
tell my story to place a face to DV instead of "stupid"
"dumb" "weak." I share my story because talking about it
brings light to darkness. I tell my story because I know I am not alone and I
want others to know they are not alone! #whyItalkaboutit #Letstalkaboutit#afacetodomesticviolence
October 16th
Domestic Violence Awareness:
Thought I was in love (but how could I love others if I didn't love myself)
The Bible says...
He needs help and I can help him
G-d sent him to me...
The shame of getting a divorce
The hope that things will change
Wanted a husband to protect me from myself...
Wanted the fairytale
Wanted to set an example for my children
Thought I was in love (but how could I love others if I didn't love myself)
The Bible says...
He needs help and I can help him
G-d sent him to me...
The shame of getting a divorce
The hope that things will change
Wanted a husband to protect me from myself...
Wanted the fairytale
Wanted to set an example for my children
SN: the dots mean I could say soooo
much more (and I am sure I will as soon as the Lord helps me with the words to
I finally learned to love me!
To save my life!
To save the lives of my family and friends!
I finally learned to love me!
To save my life!
To save the lives of my family and friends!
October 17th
Domestic Violence
Awareness: #afacetodomesticviolence
"I will bury you next to your father"
That's all I can personally share at this time.
#domesticviolenceawarenessmonth #letstalkaboutit
"I will bury you next to your father"
That's all I can personally share at this time.
#domesticviolenceawarenessmonth #letstalkaboutit
October 18th
Domestic Violence Awareness: It takes
a village to cross the bridge from victim to survivor. It takes love, support,
prayers, and guidance to continue on the journey of survivorship: self-esteem
must be reestablished, self-love instituted, courage and strength is needed to
remain a survivor.
Davis with the support of Shorter Community AME Church has been leading this
Domestic Violence Awareness and Support group for two years. Ladies 16+ please
come out to this amazing ministry symposium on DV. Victims, survivors, and
friends/family are welcome to attend. Saturday, October 25th at 1:00 PM #domesticviolenceawarenessmonth#afacetodomesticviolence #letstalkaboutit
October 19th
Domestic Violence Awareness:
"Nothing ever gets healed if you keep it covered up" ~ we can cover
up our bruises ~ we can cover up our emotional, spiritual, physical wounds ~ we
can cover up the hurt and pain ~ we can cover up the hurtful and hateful
judgment of others ~ and never be healed and delivered.... "Healing begins
when someone bears witness" ~ so let's talk about it and let the healing
begin! #afacetodomesticviolence#prayingforvictimsandsurvivors #domesticviolenceawarenessmonth
Please note: there are times when we
must be the voice for the voiceless: victims may want to speak out but won't
due to fear for their lives ~ survivors may not speak up and out because of
shame AND continued fear of their lives. ~ so when I say let's talk about it I
mean any and all who are willing and able to uncover and create a space for
healing for all ~ #ittakesavillage
October 20th
Domestic Violence Awareness: I do
realize as I am putting#afacetodomesticviolence using my story and the story of
others, like a preacher, I am speaking to the abused and the abuser ~ the
survivor and the victim ~ the affected and effected... therefore, it is
important for me to speak my truth which prayerfully will lead us to The Truth
about domestic violence and the eradication thereof. When we talk about it we
create a space of healing, deliverance, and transformation for all.
SN: FB is a public forum. Despite
settings and precautions, it is extremely risky to place my story in the
atmosphere. I have blocked my abuser, any mutual friends, and had to delete
some who decided to accept his friend request; they, in turn, were blocked as
well. Despite the risk, my trust, faith, and wisdom is rooted in G-d with a
hope that someone reading these posts will be encouraged, get the necessary
help, and save a life (most likely their own.) #letstalkaboutit #faithoverfear #domesticviolenceawarenessmonth
Domestic Violence Awareness:
"Gay, who first talked about his experience with domestic violence several
years ago, said keeping the conversation alive now is healthy for him, and
hopefully helpful for others."
“It was
therapy for me, that’s why I started talking about it,” said Gay. “By me
talking about it, it helped me grow as a man. I am talking about it because my
mom went through it. She was the one who lost her life. Anything to keep her
voice alive I am willing to do.” #afacetodomesticviolence #letstalkaboutit ~ Thank you for sending this to me my
sister in Christ!#domesticviolenceawarenessmonth
October 21st
Domestic violence
awareness: you don't know what you don't know ~ so when asked what can I (we)
do to help? Here are some things that can be done:
"...Preaching a sermon
Conducting a workshop
Writing a poem
Exegeting text
Singing a song
Leading a lament
Reviewing the fine print of your covenant with God
About violence against girls and women
Those same awful shame – provoking stories over and over again
A touch on the hand
Wiping a tear
Sitting in silence
Letting her see your tears
Maybe even a calculated hug..."
(An excerpt from an article written by. Rev. Dr. Carolyn McCrary ~ ITC Professor ~ Intimate Violence Against Women)
#learnaboutit #talkaboutit #domesticviolenceawarenessmonth#afacetodomesticviolence
"...Preaching a sermon
Conducting a workshop
Writing a poem
Exegeting text
Singing a song
Leading a lament
Reviewing the fine print of your covenant with God
About violence against girls and women
Those same awful shame – provoking stories over and over again
A touch on the hand
Wiping a tear
Sitting in silence
Letting her see your tears
Maybe even a calculated hug..."
(An excerpt from an article written by. Rev. Dr. Carolyn McCrary ~ ITC Professor ~ Intimate Violence Against Women)
#learnaboutit #talkaboutit #domesticviolenceawarenessmonth#afacetodomesticviolence
October 22nd
Domestic violence
awareness ~ I am so grateful for my sisters Tara and Tracey! When I was
together with my abuser they loved me, affirmed who I was in Christ, never
demeaned me nor judged me ~ they held me when I was broken ~ gave me a place to
stay ~ stood by me (good, bad, or indifferent) ~ they realized I had to see for
myself I was worth and deserved so much more including a safe, healthy, and
loving life. They identified my abusive circumstance in a loving way ~ they
knew they
couldn't just tell me to leave (although they wanted too ~ to this day we don't
speak his name) ~ they loved me through the pain and this gave me the strength
to love myself enough to finally leave for good! Thank you for close to 30
years of friendship and sistering! I love you to life!!! #afacetodomesticviolence#domesticviolenceawarenessmonth #survivor
October 23rd
Domestic Violence Awareness: grateful
for the work of Maya Carter (see attached) ~ a young, beautiful,
amazingly intelligent sister who is speaking out about violence and domestic
violence in our communities! Keep up the good work! Thank you for a blessed
conversation on last night!
Those in the Denver area ~ hope to
see you Saturday at 1:00 PM MDT (see attached) ~ Tanya Davis ~ and join us for worship on. Sunday
at 10:00 AM for Domestic Violence Awareness Sunday at Shorter Community AME Church
Grateful for the opportunity to sever
on the DV awareness call on tonight 8:00 PM EDT (see attached) ~ Bria Belim
Domestic Violence Awareness: Day 24 ~
a very risky, fulfilling, healing, cathartic, embracing, supportive,
encouraging, exposing, affirming, loving journey thus far. Domestic Violence is
a tough experience on so many levels and impacts many dimension of ones life. I
am grateful I survived but I not only survived, I did a lot of soul searching
and self-reflecting to know myself and most importantly to love myself.
Awareness is one of the first steps
toward healing. Thank you to everyone who posted a
purple ribbon, is hosting a DV Awareness event, counsels DV survivors and
victims, are sharing their stories, and exhibiting love and support for all
impacted by the ills of domestic violence.
I pray for the abuser who is reading
this ~ for, awareness toward healing is for you too! Your power lies in the
Almighty and not in abusive, controlling, manipulative, degrading, and aggressive
behavior. Awareness is about learning to love yourself so that you can love
others in a non-abusive manner; making the necessary life changes to create as
space for this healing and love to manifest.
#afacetodomesticviolence #domesticviolenceawarenessmonth#letstalkaboutit #ontheroadtohealing
October 25th
Domestic Violence
Awareness: I am full of many different emotions right now ~ women are still
dying at the hands of her abuser ~ so much brokenness ~ so much internalized
shame ~ so much "looking for love" when one doesn't know what love is
~ women still dying... Women still dying physically, spiritually, mentally,
emotionally... Women not realizing the power within because we are fixing and
building everyone else... I just want to scream ~ preaching tomorrow for
Domestic Violence Awareness Sunday ~ preaching a word of hope in the midst
of.... Too much for me ~ but not too much for You Lord! #venting #lamenting #afacetodomesticviolence#tearsforthedeceasedvictim #domesticviolenceawarenessmonth#heightened
October 26th
Domestic Violence Awareness: As
difficult as this is... As I feel the pain of my sisters who are still in the
struggle... As I reflect on my own situation and how I got away alive... I
can't help but pray for those who don't have a support system, who don't have
sisters (or brothers) to strengthen and guide along the way, who don't have the
courage or the wherewithal or the tools to leave... This epidemic is real and
there is no easy fix to it...
Understand beloved, it wasn't easy for
the Jewish people to escape the Holocaust, it wasn't easy for Blacks to escape
slavery, Jim Crow, Mass Incarceration... and it is not easy to leave or get out
of a domestic violence situation. Leaving is not easy. On average, it takes a
victim seven times to leave before staying away for good. Exiting the
relationship is most unsafe time for a victim. As the abuser senses that
they’re losing power, they will often act in dangerous ways to regain control
over their victim.
#afacetodomesticviolence #domesticviolenceawarenessmonth#stilltalkingaboutit #thesturgglecontinues#extremeexamplesbutyougetthepoint
October 27th
Domestic Violence
Awareness: Thank you Val McCaw Gill ~ Don't know the authenticity; nonetheless, the depiction is accurate,
true and powerful!#afacetodomesticviolence #getthepoint #domesticviolenceawareness#letstalkaboutit
October 28th
Domestic Violence
Awareness: I've had many women share their survivor status in private ~ some
after the preached word on Sunday ~ I then realized that not all survivors can
make this statement in public because their abuser is still at the church, job,
or in the community! It is one thing to be bold, unashamed, and an advocate ~
it's another to be wise and use discernment. Please know, if you need to share
your story, talk to someone in private, or need help, you may inbox me or call
720-663-0227 which is a private messaging service where one person and one
person only has access to the voice mail. Please leave a private number where
you can be reached. We have a multitude of resources in and outside of Denver!#afacetodomesticviolence #letstalkaboutit #besafe
October 29th
Domestic Violence
Awareness: #afacetodomesticviolence ~ I've experienced a similar situation as the one attached. I didn't
have to make up a story or even say a word. As my abuser was attacking me, I
discretely held the #9 button on my flip phone which was close by (yes, this
was just a few years ago when my phone was a flip phone.) In about 5 minutes
the police were banging on my door. I ran to the door and let them in. They
cautiously entered and asked if everything was OK. I did not have to say a word because of the
bruises on my neck and the tears in my eyes. They immediately arrested him. In
true transparency and full disclosure, I bailed him out due to fear of what
would happen... (that's for another post.) He jumped bail... Sometimes these
dangerous situations causes one to be very clever and cautious. #domesticviolenceawarenessmonth #letstalkaboutit
Domestic Violence Awareness: 30 days
of #afacetodomesticviolence ~ As this journey comes to a close I
am filled with mixed emotions. Sharing my story has been filled with attacks of
the enemy, love and support to and from women victims and survivors, and
awareness to many. I've learned a lot about myself as well:
*Being a survivor is an ongoing process
*The cycle and identity of DV can manifest in other areas of ones life
*My story is the story of many due to the common nature of DV (some have not survived ~ I have to tell my story)
*This has been the toughest yet rewarding month I've ever experience regarding my story and transparency
*I have amazing children and friends
*I am a survivor still in the process of surviving and healing
*Shame only has power if you keep silent
*Healing happens when "things" are uncovered
*Being a survivor is an ongoing process
*The cycle and identity of DV can manifest in other areas of ones life
*My story is the story of many due to the common nature of DV (some have not survived ~ I have to tell my story)
*This has been the toughest yet rewarding month I've ever experience regarding my story and transparency
*I have amazing children and friends
*I am a survivor still in the process of surviving and healing
*Shame only has power if you keep silent
*Healing happens when "things" are uncovered
Look forward to sharing on day 31!
October 31st
Domestic Violence Awareness: Day 31 ~
Final day...#afacetodomesticviolence was a 31-day journey to put a face to
domestic violence. Victims and survivors are daughters, mothers, sisters, and
friends. Victims and survivors are doctors, lawyers, business women,
homemakers, beautiful, brilliant, outgoing, and successful. Victims and
survivors are human beings in this struggle called life.
It is my prayer domestic violence is
seen as the epidemic it is. It is my prayer victims
and survivors are treated with love, support, and proper guidance. It is my
prayer that churches and other places of worship will speak against the ills of
domestic violence and begin to address the violence that occurs in their own
worship centers. It is my prayer we continue to talk about the signs, the cycle
of abuse, safety plans, shelters, and support systems.
I thank G-d I am alive to tell my
story. I had several near death experiences and am here by the Grace of G-d. In
the spirit of compassion, patience, and understanding, let us continue to talk
about domestic violence so that other lives may be saved, women (and men) will be healed,
and all those impacted will receive the love and support they need. Let us
journey together moving forward to and through survivorship.
Thank you for listening!
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