Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Theology of Heavy D

Somebody For Me
Nuttin' But Love
Now That We Found Love
Don't Curse
We Got Our Own Thang...

And the list goes on and on ~ I feel like a part of me has died ~ 3 years apart ~ I feel like I grew up with Heavy D ~ from watching him perform, running into him at Howard's Homecoming, or watching him on my favorite TV shows: Living Single, Different World, or rhyming along to the theme song for In Living Color ~

He was always the same; growing and maturing right before our very eyes but always kind, talented, funny, and loving.  He knew who he was, who he wanted to be, stayed true to his love for music and the type of music he chose to deliver, and he was courageous! He stepped out of the box but never out of himself.

It is so unfortunate to realize these things now that he is gone.  Yes, I took him for granted; he was supposed to be here, growing with me, making me smile and dance.  His music was trendsetting and unwavering.  He had a good time doing what he loved and shared himself with the world.

I can't help but be reminded of Jesus ~ He preached love, shared his life with the world, stayed true to His beliefs and tasks, and loved doing what He did! If we are called to be like Jesus, I believe we are called to stand against the status quo of self-degradation, self-hate, marginalization, sexism, racism, classism, abuse, incarceration, disrespect, and hopelessness.  We are called to define ourselves and not allow the world to define who we should or could be based on our looks, class, gender, or community.  We are called to do what we love while making others smile, love, and hope.

I thank G-d for the Heavy D and his theology of love through the art of music and entertainment.

Rest on my friend,

Never hopeless ~ always searching

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Stop With the Tissue Already!

There is nothing sacred about the tissue! What is sacred? Your presence, active listening, empathy, love, support, and prayers.

I attended a funeral and as i was sitting there the "funeral folk" were walking around with tissue boxes and everytime someone looked as if they were about to cry they came running with the box. Not only did they come with the box but they would shove it in the persons face or take some out and place it in their hands ~ what a distraction!

Can I have my moment please? Can I just snot and cry the ugly cry for a moment? Can I just go through this time of allowing my tears to be poured out as a libation to G-d? Don't worry I have hand sanitizer in my bag and a bathroom right down the hall to wash my hands and face ~ that's if you are concerned about germs.

I found that the tissue is more about the person giving the tissue than it is for the person who is in distress. It's not about you! It is about G-d strength when one is weak. It is about G-d restoring what the grieving/hurting/upset person has lost. It is about going through the natural process of healing by way of the feelings G-d gave us!

So please, stop with the tissue already!

Never hopeless ~ forever searching

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Say Her Name

Sheneke Brownlow!

Wow! What a testament to G-d's omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence!

They said you wouldn't live to see 10 ~ Look at G-d's power and control

You impacted thousands of lives in the 33 years you walked this earth ~ with your few words, commanding presence, and beautiful smile ~ you served across the connection ~ you served others as a servant leader ~ you loved unconditionally

G-d's presence was truly in you and around you ~ G-d used you to set the example of what it is to be like Jesus!

It is not coincidence you walked this earth for 33 years ~ It's no coincidence you were surrounded by those who meant the world to you (and please know you meant the world to them) during your last moments ~ It's no coincidence that the entire Desert/Mountain Conference and beyond will be able to honor your life during our Annual Conference; that we pause from all the business of the church to honor an angel

If this is not an example of what it is to be like Jesus ~ I don't know what is!

Sheneke ~ we speak your name ~ to honor you ~ to remember you ~ to acknowledge your ancestral spirit that will live with us now and forever as we speak your name!

And to Sis. Stephanie ~ Thank you for allowing us to share your world through the life of Sheneke Brownlow! We honor you today as well for being an amazing mom, servant of G-d, and a beautiful sister!

To G-d be the glory!

Never hopeless ~ forever searching...

Saturday, August 27, 2011

My Tears

Opening vent:
Ministry ain't easy ~ yeah, I said ain't ~ and yes I used a phrase derived from the old saying pimping ain't easy ~ Yesterday, we hosted and led the homegoing service of a baby ~ a one year old struck and killed by a pick-up truck ~ we, the church, are also mourning the loss of a 33 year old pillar of the church, the WMS, and a piece of sunshine to all...

My tears are the result of pain; my pain, feeling the pain of others
My tears flow when I am angry; angry at others, G-d, myself
My tears well up as I look at my children; the unconditional positive regard and the fear of the unknown
My tears want to escape; as I am hurt, in pain, or suffering
My tears manifest in joy; the joy I have which only G-d can give
My tears tell many stories; stories only I know and can tell...

In the midst of my tears I witnessed a preacher preach with fire to a family who was grieving the loss of the one-year old ~ He implored us to seek G-d, ask G-d, bother G-d, harass G-d, as we move out of G-d's way to let G-d do what G-d does: bless, comfort, provide, control, guide, heal, and love.  Witnessing this preacher preach to the un-churched, hurt, angry, lost, and hopeless was an amazing site to behold.

In the midst of my tears I witnessed a preacher preach through his own grief as we morn the loss of our beloved member who will be honored next week during her homegoing service.  And I was immediately reminded of my own grief and loss but was quickly encouraged and strengthened through the words of G-d through this vessel called the preacher in the midst of my tears.

My tears are multi-faceted with a beginning and and end that others may or may not understand ~ in the end my tears are needed to release, empty, flush out all that is blocking G-d's opportunity and ability to restore, renew, revive, replenish, and redeem.  My tears flow from my heart through my eyes giving honor to G-d no matter the source and expecting G-d to move! Even with my tears of celebration, these tears help me to remember for whence cometh my help and to give glory, honor, and praise to the One who is the source of my strength, provision, health, healing, and wholeness.

Right now my tears honor Rose, Ed, G'ma, Nana, Uncle James, Ms. Cheryl, Shirley, Se'Viion, Sheneke, and a host of others who have left this life for the next ~ resting in the safety of G-d's arms.

To G-d be the glory!

Never hopeless ~ forever searching

Monday, August 22, 2011

Why G-d?!?!?!

Well, when I created you I created you for good ~ with the intention you would chose good ~ The wind and the rains obey me ~ the heavens and earth are at my hand ~ you were created with choice ~ you were my divine creation with the ability to reason and with the power of a soul ~ and because I created all it is understood I created evil...It was (is) my hope and desire that you would always chose Me! It saddens me to watch what is happening to my people: children dying, young people losing hope, more young black men in jail than in college, desperate behavior, lack of love including self-love...and the list goes on and on ~ since I did not create puppets I cry when you cry ~ I hurt when you hurt ~ I stand there like a young girl ready to jump in the double dutch rope waiting for you to let Me in ~ when evil rears its ugly head for your demise I make it good ~ I don't stop the evil because I did not create puppets or robots that move at my command ~ nonetheless, I am still G-d and you must trust that when evil, bad, loss happens I am still G-d and can make good out of anything!

When you lost your one year old I was there ~ as painful as the loss was (is) I have the baby now and I got you!
When you lost your mom/dad/caretaker I was there ~ I gave you comfort and peace in the midst of the storm and turned your tragedy into triumph ~ I have them now and I still have you!
When you were sick in your body I cried and hurt with you ~ I held you in the middle of the night during your pain ~ I healed you beyond earthly definition ~ and I still got you!

Why you ask? Good question ~ and as much as I would love to explain ~ there are no earthly words to describe the magnitude of this life and beyond ~ how all things work together for good for those who love the Lord and are called according to My purpose ~ and for those who don't love me or know me there are things seen and unseen that I continue to do to show my love because they are still My creation ~ and if you stand still long enough in my glory you will understand it better by and by!

When you ask why? Seek Me to find the answer ~ I have the answer and will continue to walk with you and talk with you so that you may receive an (the) answer ~ Seek me by 
studying My word in a group and individually ~ 
Serving others in the midst of your own life/struggle/pain/joy ~
Love yourself and others not by way of abuse, judgment, cursing... but by unconditional positive regard aka unconditional love, patience ~ 
Knowing when to speak and when to be silent, knowing when to stay and when to walk away, knowing when to stand alone or surround yourself with other G-d-fearing people ~ 
Attending church~a church that serves Me and not the pastor or the discipline~
Talking to me everyday ~ it doesn't have to be formal ~ just chill with me sometime!

Why? Although the answer is not simple it is obtainable ~ keep seeking, hoping, dreaming, and searching ~ for I promised if you knock I will open the door ~ ask and I will give! 

Never hopeless ~ Forever searching! 

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Why Blog

To learn